- Educational objectives – “learning by doing” aimed at providing members with knowledge and skills for better agricultural and small-scale production, as well as awareness of the environment and conservation skills/motivation like tree planting, environmental cleanness, youth exchange programs and respect of bio-diversity.
- Youth access to practical agricultural education and rural production-oriented activities so as to become future producers of Tanzania. Youths are transformed to value agricultural activities as important as other income generation professions.
- Economic objectives “earning by learning “. This involves promotion of entrepreneurial thinking in wealth creation. 4H Club members engage themselves during off the school period with income generation activities (IGA) in their localities. These activities enable members to meet costs for their schooling. Members purchase their own school uniforms and materials and others pay their own secondary school fees.
- Socio-political objectives -” respect other’s opinion” -Aim is to promote democratic and gender balance awareness among youths during the election of club leaders and while conducting club business. Youths acquire such skills and knowledge during social gatherings, youth camps, programs and representation in the “Annual General Meeting” sessions. The organization also introduces advocacy services for the child rights consciousness.
- Community and Family Health – Besides providing their families with food supplements like healthy vegetables, members play a big role in educating the family and community in health matters, including awareness of HIV/AIDS, common illnesses like malaria, abdominal infections, etc.
Strategic Objectives
The objective of Tanzania 4H Organization is based upon the key following strategic areas:
- To ensure pre-professional education to young people in different fields of life e.g. agriculture, forestry, livestock, art and craft, home-economics.
- To create “learning by doing – mentality” and cooperation between young people of Tanzania and in friendly countries all over the world.
- To prepare the on-going primary school pupils and former 4H school leavers or anyone who is willing to perform 4H-work for self-supporting programs.
- To transform the agricultural society to scientific and technical trend in production through practice by 4H member projects.
- To coordinate all local 4H-clubs, 4H Districts and 4H Zones into one Tanzanian 4H leadership and community development.
- To maintain the 4H internationalism so that youths will have a greater understanding on different cultures and countries all over the world so as to achieve a peaceful and global solidarity.
- Through purposeful economic and social deeds, to change the attitudes of the youths from passive into active through initiating youth information, learning and recreational centers where the youths can meet and learn good things from each other.
- To promote effective behavior change communication strategies that reduces vulnerability of young people to HIV/STIs infection
- To develop supportive mechanism that maintains and sustains peer education for health in and out of schools by engaging youth and members of the community to promote positive behaviour and practices that prevent the spread of STIS and HIV&AIDS