We are registered as Tanzania 4H Organization with an acronym, 4H Tanzania. We are Non – Governmental Organization, members based, non-religious and non-biased youth organisations. Our official registration number is SO 7903 of 9th August 1993 and complied with NGO act of 2004 on 27th Nov 2006 with a Certificate of Compliance Number 1729.
Previous Programs/Projects
"Our projects range from leadership training, gender equality education and facilitating international leadership conferences to building education and community centres around Tanzania, striving to make a difference for their members’ livelihood"
- YOUTH AND YOUNG ADULTS FOCUSED HIV&AIDS PREVENTION ACTIVITIES IN TANGA (FUNDED BY OXFAM IRELAND) – 4H Tanzania implementation five years program addressing sexual and reproductive health interventions involving life skills building through peer-based approach. It covered HIV/AIDS/STIs, children rights, livelihood skills and gender to more than 6000 youth.
Nevertheless, this project facilitated the establishment of a learning environment by the involvement of all essential stakeholders, development and use of appropriate IEC strategy and materials, IEC/BCC through peer education approach.
- Another youth peer education project (HIV/AIDS Prevention activities in Tanga -HAPATI) funded by Rapid Funding Envelop (RFE). It covered more than 130 youth clubs in Lushoto, Handeni, Korogwe and Kilindi Districts. It uses the same peer education modal.
- Peer education-based programmes have been extended to 51 youth clubs in Morogoro. “Youth Wake up Project (AMKA KIJANA)” which covered Morogoro Municipal, Morogoro Rural, Mvomero and Kilosa Districts. This project has received financial and technical support from Family Health International through Youth Net programme.
- 4H Tanzania has also implemented the project on Adolescence Sexual Reproductive Health (ASRH) in three districts of Tanga, Muheza and Pangani. This project has been funded under partnership with German Foundation for World Population (DSW). This project established partnership between DSW and 4H involves financial and technical support in the implementation of project known as Youth to youth networking for health future “strengthening the Y2Y approach in Tanzania (Y2Y project.
- Tanzania 4H Organization has implemented consortium project with UMATI and DSW with EC funds. The project has been focusing young girls working in informal sector and was named as “ADDRESSING SEXUAL AND REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH OF FEMALE YOUTH WORKING IN INFORMAL SECTOR”. This has been a three years project started in year 2009 and basically targeting girls working in an informal sector in Tanga (Korogwe, Muheza and Tanga City 4H area), Kilimanjaro (UMATI) and Arusha (DSW).
- Tanzania 4H, jointly with DSW, Reproductive Health Uganda (RHU), Institute for Education and Democracy Kenya (IED) with funding from European Union has implemented “Healthy Action project” aimed to support NSAs, to work jointly to increase public participation in decision-making and priority setting in health planning. The three years project started Jan 2010.
- Tanzania Agriculture Productivity Program (TAPP)
This capacity building training for district advisors featured the making of sustainable demonstration plots (or gardens) to them be used for the training, methodology and education of other small-scale farmers in Tanzania.
Through the US-AID TAPP award program, 652 youth advisors from Tanga region participated in ‘Training of the Trainer’ modules where they learned about agriculture, entrepreneurial and life skills to take back with them to their club members. The overall goals were to pass on information to youth of how to increase agricultural production, improve food security and give them future employment opportunities.
- Enterprise gardens
Sponsored by DuPont, the 4-H Enterprise Garden initiative enables the testing of the Global Network model in Tanzania which is providing technical assistance to 34,000 children, adolescents and young adults learning how to boost agricultural productivity by changing from the subsistence model to commercial gardens
- Global knowledge center
The project that was sponsored by DuPont and BMGF is one of the 4-H Hub of Excellence presented during take a lead training in Tanzania. The developing the Global 4-H Knowledge Center—a virtual repository of agriculture and positive youth development content was one of the important milestones for the 4-Hers worldwide.
The global knowledge center, establishes knowledge systems that will provide 4-H and other organizations with access to high-quality agricultural information and resources; 4-hglobalknowledge.org
- Youth clubs and members projects
Tanzania 4-H Organization works to encourage youth to participate in entrepreneurship activities in agriculture, livestock keeping, domestic science, leadership, and home craft by educating them on topics ranging from agriculture to technology to healthy living.
Tanzania 4-H has been implementing the programmes that promotes democratic and gender balance awareness among youth during the election of club leaders and while conducting club business. Youth acquire such skills and knowledge during social gatherings, youth camps, programs and presentation in the special events of 4H.
- Take a lead program
The take a lead program was implemented as a need to share experience and to learn from other organisations in the world by sharing knowledge and skills and building capacities of the 4-H Organisations from Africa, Europe and Europe in leadership, volunteerism and entrepreneurship. The intention was to amplify the opportunities for 4-H in Africa, Europe and America to increase their knowledge of the social and cultural situation as well as to be able to intensify the co-operation with other 4-H and rural youth organisations worldwide. Funded by Finnish Foreign Ministry and jointly implemented with Finnish 4H Federation
- Leadership institute
Tanzania 4-H Organization and US 4-H Council have been running the project intended to provide training for African-based 4-H leaders and mentors about positive youth development, agricultural innovation and research-based farming practices. Funded by Bill & Melinda Foundation, DuPont through 4-H US Council.
Provides awareness on the environment and conservation skills whereby it achieved through environmental cleaning, respect of the bio-diversity and tree planting, since one of the tasks of a 4-H Member is to plant trees annually and taking care of them. In this venture, 4-H has joined the ENO 100 million trees by 2017 program.
PHYSICAL Structures and Income Generation
- Kange Income Generation Activities (KIGA)
4H Tanzania owns the Kange Training and Conference Center in Tanga, which hosts the 4-H headquarters, in Tanzania. In addition to our administrative offices, the conference center has a hostel, kitchen and meeting areas which are used for trainings, conferences, weddings and meetings.
- Kingolwira YouthTraining centre, Morogoro
4H Tanzania is building a youth centre in Morogoro that will provide a space for training and club activities outside its Kange facilitates in Morogoro. The centre is expected to provide youth tailor-made programs and vocational skills.
- Staff
Tanzania 4H Organization has 29 staff whereby fourteen staff are in the management and program activities and fifteen are employed as operational people by the Kange lncome Generation Activities (KIGA).