We are registered as Tanzania 4H Organization with an acronym, 4H Tanzania. We are Non – Governmental Organization, members based, non-religious and non-biased youth organisations. Our official registration number is SO 7903 of 9th August 1993 and complied with NGO act of 2004 on 27th Nov 2006 with a Certificate of Compliance Number 1729.
"The four H’s acronyms stand for Head, Hands, Heart and Health"
The 4 Hs stands for Head – for the clearer thinking and reasoning, Heart – For making reasonable decision, Hands – Hands for doing work, and Health – to better living in the club, community, country and the World.
4H is an international concept used by youth organizations in over one hundred countries in all five continents.
The 4H promotes sense of confidence and teamwork spirit to members so as to carry out their extra curriculum activities. The 4H logo (emblem) with a four-clover leaf in green depicts the nature’s common color, meaning life, and youthful age. The 4H motto is “LEARNING BY DOING” and “EARNING BY LEARNING”.
It is our belief that, with close guidance from their parents and other trained adults, young people can and will learn and adapt useful skills to be applied in real-life situations. The 4H programs have an important role preparing the young generation all over the world to become good citizens. The program is not making the members dependant on external support. It is believed that through own enterprise a young person will become independent, active and responsible for his/her society, country and the world.
VISION: to see a world where young people and adults through their own communities learn, grow and work together as catalyst, for development and positive change
MISION: “We advance the 4H youth development movement to build a world in which youth can learn, grow and work together to become economically independent and responsible adults”
MAIN GOAL: To provide pre-professional education in production activities, leadership skills, and community health and environment and conservation awareness to youth aged 5 to 25 years which are not provided by the formal school curriculum.
4H MAIN WORKING PRINCIPLES: is through members own income generation and learning activities, club or joint ventures/activities and competitions. There are range of activities in their clubs or home which are organic farming (vegetables and fruits), livestock keeping (small animals), environmental activities, and home craft/nutrition (confectionary and baking)
1976– The year of launch, 4H activities begin being conducted by a few individuals in the Tanga Region
1986– The Self Reliance Project starts with funding from the Finnish 4H Federation and the Finnish Ministry for Foreign Affairs
1996– The Self Reliance Project concludes and the first Board of Directors is appointed
2000– The handover of assets from the project to the 4H Tanzania Organization
2002 – EU and Finnish financed expansion project
2005 – Partnership with other organisations in and outside the country for joint/support programs – Oxfam Ireland, ForumSyd etc.
2006– Finnish financed Structural Changes Project
2010 – 4H Tanzania begins partnering with the Global 4-H Network and the National 4-H Council in the United States
- Tanzania 4-H is the member of the 4-H Global Network
- Tanzania 4-H is the members of the Africa 4-H network
- Tanzania 4-H has long term established partnership with Finnish 4-H federation
- Tanzania 4-H has established partnership with 4-H US Council
- We are the affiliated members of the USDA, United States Department of Agriculture which manages the 4-H name and emblem, provides program materials and distributes federal funding.
- Partnership with the Government of Tanzania through Local Government Authorities (LGAs). This is a long-term relation with Department of Education in supporting youth projects in schools.
- Member of various Civil Societies Network in Tanzania and outside Tanzania
- Work with communities in Tanzania
Sector focus: Education, agriculture, forestry, environmental protection and conservation, community and family health (including HIV, AIDS and STI’s), home-economics, household management, leadership and management, self-reliance and entrepreneurship skills.
Thematic focus: Advocacy, capacity building and service delivery,
Geographical Focus – we are registered as national organization. We are currently working in nine regions of Tanzania, in total of 28 districts in Arusha, Kilimanjaro, Manyara, Tanga, Morogoro, Njombe, Iringa, Mbeya and Ruvuma. However, we are not bound to expand our activities in other areas.